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Pre-Covid Memories

Looking back at the times with no masks, no social distancing, no stay-at-home orders. Businesses were fully open and thriving. Sometimes we don't fully appreciate the freedoms we have until they are restricted or taken away from us. So many people talk about the "new norm". The hidden idea is that we just have to get used to this new life with restricted freedoms. Spiritually Satan tells us the same thing. He speaks doubt into our minds saying this new addiction, this new sin, is the new norm for us. He often tells us, look at how many times you have tried and failed, you will never change, this is your "new norm". We must remember what is said in Revelation 21:5 "And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all things new." Jesus never settles but redeems all things and makes all things new in our lives. He can overcome all sin and restore peace and freedom in our lives.

Pastor Tim Welsh

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